Course Description:

Keyboard Familiarity: Students begin by familiarizing themselves with the layout of a standard computer keyboard, including the QWERTY layout, function keys, and numeric keypad. Understanding the keyboard's physical layout is the foundation for efficient typing.

Touch Typing: The core focus of the course is touch typing, which involves typing without looking at the keyboard. Students are taught to place their fingers on the home row keys and use all fingers for typing. They practice proper hand positioning to minimize errors and increase speed.

Speed Building: The course provides a structured approach to increasing typing speed gradually. Students start with simple exercises and progress to more complex texts and passages. Regular practice is encouraged to develop muscle memory and increase typing speed over time.

Accuracy Improvement: While speed is important, accuracy is equally emphasized. Students learn techniques to minimize typographical errors, such as proofreading and correcting mistakes efficiently.

Course Syllabus

👇🏻Course Content:

Typing Speed 40 WPM

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Education is the passport for future,

for tommorow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

-Malcolm X